Japanese Beetles Have Hatched

If you’ve noticed small beetle eggs, grubs or adults living in your outdoor greenery, they will continue to thrive until the consumable mass of your greenery is diminished significantly. These particular beetles have a large appetite and will consume trees, shrubbery and grass life. The Japanese beetles will impede in your lawn care if not properly addressed.

We have three vehicles spraying for this particular insect from 8 am to 6 pm every day this week. We will continue to spray at homes that call us and will provide excellent service until the phone stops ringing.

Continue reading below for helpful information on the problem these insects pose and the maintenance solutions you can follow to resolve the issue.

Japanese Beetles: The Problem

This type of beetle attacks and consumes over forty different types of common lawn and tree species. When it comes to the care of your lawn, these pests can cause brown patches of dying areas of grass to form. Brown patches of lawn often lead to a more severe problem as it spreads through the flat grass surface.

In larger numbers, this species of beetle can even kill the toughest of turf grasses. When a patch of grass or entire spread of lawn needs to be revived, one of the most common fixes require the use of turf grasses. These durable materials are normally very resistant to weathering. However, these pests can destroy turf grasses when an infestation occurs. To prevent this in your turf grass, read below to learn how to identify and eliminate these beetles.

Identifying the Pest

When mature, these beetles are about half an inch in length. They have metallic blue heads, a copper tone back, tan wings and small white hairs lining the sides of their abdomen. You can easily recognize this unique looking insect as an adult. It is also beneficial to recognize other life stages of the beetle. If you catch an infestation in the early stages, you are more likely to save your shrubbery from major damage.

These beetles lay their eggs in fertile soil during the early weeks of June. These eggs develop into tiny white grubs. The grubs are a milky white color, have brown heads, six legs and measure up to an inch lengthwise. During the summer months, the grubs remain underground to feed and mature. After about ten months, the grown grubs begin to emerge from the soil. This springtime emergence of beetles is one way to identify this species of beetle in your yard.

During the spring and summer months, the mature beetles begin feeding in late June. When the beetles consume plant matter, they usually feed in small groups. This means that the beetles are attacking plants in groups, which escalates the amount of damage they can inflict. Entire lawns and trees can be wiped out with one infestation from this beetle.

Recognizing the grubs and mature beetles can help you move forward with remedying the situation. If you know you have an issue, the best time to act is immediately. Because your neighbors are likely getting their yard maintained, it would be beneficial to complete as many houses on the block as possible to prevent cross-infestation.

Maintenance: The Solution

Once the beetles have hatched, they are ready to begin a rigorous feeding season. If you recognize the metallic heads of these beetles or think that you may have grubs in your soil, controlling the beetle population with a spray treatment can be highly beneficial.

The spray treatment is one of the most effective ways to control the beetle population in your yard. Some gardeners become frustrated because the size of these beetles makes them an apparent infestation on their plants. These beetles are easily removed by hand-picking them off of leaves and stems. However, in order to properly deal with an infestation, an effective spray at the onset of an attack can help prevent a full-blown infestation.

Spraying for beetles at the first sign is a good way to ensure your plants are healthy next year. Even though some of the telltale signs of damage will be apparent this year, you can eliminate the beetles in your soil to help promote healthier plants for next year.

There are benefits to your plant life that are included in the beetle-fighting spray service. The beetles are often controlled with sprays that are meant to prevent them from feeding on plant life. This spray often includes active ingredients that fight off other threats to your garden and trees.

Spray components effectively eliminate beetles and the grubs in your soil. Other threats that can be controlled include other insects and pesky bugs. Many insects can be reduced through the use of a professional spray service, including: sawfly larvae, lace bugs, cabbageworm, leafhoppers, mealybugs and spider-mites. Because insecticides work to optimize your plant environment, it is a fantastic way to increase the appearance of your property for years to come.

On a related note, addressing potential beetle infestations will help maintain the health of trees and large plants on your property. Tree care can be an arduous task for any homeowner. Because these pests attack and consume plants in a group, they are powerful enough to kill large trees. Keeping up with tree care is essential because unstable trees pose a threat to the integrity of your home. Fallen trees account for a great number of insurance claims every year. Protect the integrity of your outdoor trees by investing in a thorough insect spray.

The lawn care of your home can have aesthetic value to your property and allow for a good play area for younger children. Because a lush, green yard is a fantastic place to play with your family, keeping the bugs out is essential. Propagating a healthy environment for next year includes addressing pests in your yard. If you have identified a beetle on your plants or a beetle grub in your soil, consider a professional spray service. These experts will perform the best control measure for these pests.